Naples Rib Company Banquet Survey

We greatly appreciate you taking the time to answer the following questions regarding your experience with Naples Rib Company's Banquet Services. As a reward, we will email you a complimentary Naples Rib Company Gift Certificate when we receive your completed questionnaire.

Date of Event

Type of Event (Required)

Select an option

Did the Head Server introduce themselves and give you their business card?
Was the room set up correctly?
Was a buffet menu sign provided?
Were the colors, ballons and sign to your satisfaction?
If a buffet, were the buffet decorations set up nicely?
If a sit-down (plate served) event, were the menu cards in place?
Did our staff refill drinks and bus tables to your satisfaction?
Did our staff keep your event moving in a timely manner?
Did all video and sound equipment operate efficiently?
Were Restaurant Discount cards offered to your guests?
Was your payment/invoice handled appropriately?
How would you rate the food?
How would you rate the service?
How would you rate your overall banquet experience from Naples Rib Company?
Would you use Naples Rib Company's Banquet Services again?

NAPLES RIB COMPANY RECALL SERVICE: Check the box below if you would like us to contact you for your next event. We recommend that you have us contact you at least two weeks prior to your event date.

Please contact me on

for our next event, which will take place on

Thank you again for your time. Before sending your questionnaire, please take a moment to make sure you have completed all the questions and have given us your correct email address so we can send you a complimentary Naples Rib Company gift certificate.